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Musky on the Ottawa River

John Anderson 2014 Opener As a Musky Canada member opening day of Musky season is always a celebratory event. This year was no different. Over 50 Ottawa chapter members showed up. Making the opener especially significant was a surprise call from my friend John Anderson inviting me to join him aboard his boat for the morning […]

Alone or in Groups, the frozen St. Lawrence Offers both

Think about how much water spills over Niagara Falls. Add in a couple dozen more rivers and that will give you an idea of the volume of water flowing down the St. Lawrence River. Now, ask yourself if you would ever consider ice fishing on the Niagara? The answers probably no, but guide Todd Beckstead […]

Family Fun on Ice

When weather conditions are right and the bite is assured, I gather around my family and begin the up-hill struggle of convincing them just how much fun they would have if they went with me ice fishing. Not always an easy sell. Remembrances of prior frigidly cold fishless days always seem to get rekindled, and […]

On Ice with Your 4-Legged Friend

Whether or not to bring your 4-legged best friend for some on-ice fun can pose some ethical issues. Sure it’s fun to have your dog with you, but will the pup manage the cold? Face facts, for most of us are dogs have grown use to indoor climates and don’t necessarily grow the sorts of […]

Mega-Cabin on Ice

The Ottawa River is a significant body of water with an even more impressive current. So imagine my surprise when my good friend and area fishing guide Yannick Loranger called me up and asked if I wanted to be his first guest in his brand new 12 x 20 ice shack? “Sure”, I said over […]

Talking Tackle Depth Whisperer

This past winter I received an email from one of the founders of Talking Tackle depth Whisperer. This led to our talking by phone and my hearing again a not too uncommon story about the potential benefits of having a talking depth sounder aboard a boat. These guys decided enough talk, and did something about […]

All Aboard “Fresh Off the Boat”

Lunker Walleye, Bass and One Extraordinary Fish I first met John and Suzette Chang through our local Walleye league. Not only were they competing together in every event, they led the organization of our club’s yearly kids ice fishing derby. Several years back they took their love of Walleye fishing to the next level with […]

Truck Camping with My New Ford 150 and Four Wheels Hawk

Loading a camper on to the back of a pickup and having the ability to then tow a boat to ones favorite lake opens up an entire new realm of possibilities. Now, instead of contemplating a trip to a distant lake for a day of fishing, knowing full-well there’s going to be two good long […]

Backwater Adventures in the Florida Keys

We’ve all watched on TV people sight fishing for Bonefish and Permit along the flats located in and around the Florida Keys. Spotting fish and accurate casts are crucial. Well, there’s more than one way to catch those marauding saltwater game fish and I’ve got the proof. Arranging a day’s charter should be simple, and […]

Blind Fishing Kayak Up-Date

Without doubt, HobieCat’s Mirage drive system for their kayaks has made a huge difference in my fishing and overall navigational ability on the water. Because I depend on my non-visual senses for all things in life, having my hands free to feel what’s taking place both above and below the water is crucial. The Mirage […]

2014 Spring Update

While January offers me plenty of opportunities to ice fish, February is show season and pretty much every weekend has me exhibiting and speaking at outdoor shows. Shows this year included the 4-day Ottawa Boat and Sportsman Show, the 4-day Toronto sportsman Show, and the 2-day Toronto People in Motion show. In total over the […]

Aquatic Adventures along the Gulf of Mexico

In April of 2014 my wife Anne, our two youngest children ages 6 and 8, myself and my guide dog Moby along with our 3lb Yorky, traveled down the east coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Our accommodations were a 34-foot ultra-light travel trailer that we towed with our V6-powered half-ton truck.  The entire trip […]

Feeling Around for Some Bay of Quinte Beauties

With Scott Campbell doing the driving and taking the photos, the two of us set off for the Bay of Quinte to meet up with the Quinte Ice Fishing Team. I wanted to feel for myself the magnificent Walleyes that fishers routinely pluck out from under the ice. We met up with Jeff Chisholm and […]

Five Steps to Selecting the Right Bait

Over the past ten years fishing has witnessed a revolution brought on by the merger of technological innovation, scientific research and knowledge passed on by generations of fishers. The result has been ever-more innovative baits. Manufacturers are also working closer than ever with their field staff to fine-tune new offerings, and are publishing increasingly detailed […]